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Dec 8, 20202 min read
In the Zone - Finding Your Calling and Purpose
Have you ever been so “in the zone” that time seems to not exist? Sooooo many ways this can happen. A good conversation with an old...

Apr 10, 20203 min read
Onward and Upward - Embracing Your "Firsts"
This…. was my very first post. For my first post, I decided to write about some “Firsts.” To be honest, we face "firsts" throughout our...

Mar 7, 20203 min read
Good Fences Make Good Neighbours - A Lesson in Boundaries
They say that good fences make good neighbours. I remember reading this line in a Robert Frost poem in university, and I always found it...

Jan 5, 20202 min read
CLIFFSIDE - Take the Leap
Sooooo…… here I am. I’m standing at the edge. The precipice. The threshold. The proverbial cliffside. Is it proverbial? I don’t know. But...

Jan 5, 20193 min read
You Are Wonderfully Made
I finally realize why it has been so difficult for me to embrace, accept, love and cherish myself for who I really am, faults and all....
Jun 2, 20142 min read
Head vs. Heart
I’m not a flake. Really. I’m not a flake, so don’t get me wrong. But, I just recently realized that my head really gets in the way of...
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